Early Access Imagery
Early Access Imagery
Often our clients can benefit from receiving a preliminary set of imagery. Preliminary, unprocessed imagery can provide a visualization of the acquisition progress and allows clients to assess whether ground and atmospheric conditions were appropriate during acquisition. This display of production imagery is superior to textual reports and progress graphics for many users and is accessible on desktop workstations as well as on most smartphones and tablets.
Download and read our HGAC Hurricane Harvey Early Access case history.
Download and read our SWFWMD Early Access case history.
Rapid Delivery
The primary benefit of early access imagery is the speed at which it can be delivered. Surdex can usually post preview imagery within two weeks of completion of acquisition.
Preview orthoimagery is automatically processed to default imagery metrics, suitable for assessing ground conditions, cloud/cloud shadow cover, flooding, snow/ice, fog, smoke, etc.
Incremental Update
The preliminary imagery can be incrementally updated with the final imagery as production progresses, maturing into the final imagery service at the completion of the project. The service can be implemented with username/password authentication to control access or it can be implemented as an open-access service to the public.