Virtual Conferences
Over the past year, many conferences have switched to a virtual setting, a change that has forced our Business Development staff to adjust the way they interact with clients. The biggest difference they have noticed is the lack of face-to-face interaction; however, they have also noticed that the virtual setting does make conference attendance more accessible, given the lower cost and reduced impact on schedules. Some conferences have gotten very creative to keep attendees engaged; Tim Bohn, VP of Business Development, was able to attend a virtual beer tasting event through MAPPS. He said, “it was a very unique experience, I learned far more than I expected in addition to seeing people on camera that I haven’t seen in a long time.”
In this photo, Wade Williams, Director of Project Management, and Tim Donze, VP of Business Development, demonstrate Surdex’s Flight Tracker to attendees at the NSGIC 2020 Virtual Annual Conference.